
If our clients repeatedly book with the same cruise line or same touring company, this means a lot. They are very satisfied with their experience and will happily travel to different parts of the world knowing they are going to enjoy a wonderful trip and a well-planned holiday. American company Tauck Tours and French cruise company Ponant are two of these companies that time and again our clients will travel with.
Tauck Tours has been operating for nearly 100 years, starting in New England and continuing today under the excellent management of the Tauck family. Imagine a company that spends the time researching a trip for three years to make sure it is designed with travellers in mind, to be fabulous and to reflect the very best of the area you travelling to. Hotels are chosen to reflect the region so that you immerse yourself in the culture and history. Tauck have the philosophy that if it’s worth doing, it is included; there are no optional excursions whether you are touring through small regions of the world or sailing down the rivers of Europe.
Most tours with Tauck explore a small region so that you can have an in-depth experience. I have joined a couple of Tauck trips – one travelling in California to Yosemite and Sequioa National Parks, staying in the park lodges and experiencing unique interactions with park rangers and locals – things you just can’t arrange when travelling independently. Apart from trips throughout North America and Canada, Tauck explores Europe both by land and by river ship. Exotic destinations include Africa, South America and Asia. These trips are so popular I suggest you book early to avoid disappointment!
Ponant have a fleet of small ships – with an average of around 200 passengers. These ships are relaxed and designed for the person well-travelled. Many of the itineraries are expedition, with a fleet of zodiacs on board you will explore areas of the world the larger ships cannot reach. If expedition cruising isn’t your style, then join a Ponant cruise focused on culture and events. Cruising to all seven continents, you are sure to find a destination and style of travel to intrigue. These inclusive cruises are a joy and a learning experience with a team of lecturers and guides on every cruise to impart their knowledge.
A few years ago, I sailed to Antarctica with Ponant and loved the journey, currently I have clients sailing the Baltic, the Med and also the Kimberley. The scope of destinations is vast and just about everywhere in the world welcomes these ships. Japan is currently a hot destination and Ponant are offering a range of off the beaten track sailings to experience more remote areas. Wherever Ponant travel they are welcomed in small ports and linger longer, a wonderful experience. Tauck offer their best deals to early bookers – the closer you are to departure the more expensive the cruise fare, so book early to secure the best option.
Join us to find out more about Tauck and Ponant – they combine well together to offer the perfect immersive experience.





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